| Index | HKCER Letters | Monographs |
| Speaker program / Conference | Index of Economic Freedom |

The main activities of the Centre is to support and publish important policy relevant research of the highest quality in both Chinese and English. The studies will be conducted by local and overseas scholars and experts from universities and research institutions.

For information on the published research project, please click here.

The Centre's current largest research project is the Hong Kong Economic Policy Studies Project which comprises 30 studies on different aspects of Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Economic Policy Studies Project

The English and Chinese version of titles marked with an asterisk (*) have been published by the City University of Hong Kong Press and the Commercial Press (H.K.) Ltd. respectively under The Hong Kong Economic Policy Studies Series.

Hong Kong and the Region

  1. The Political Economy of Laissez Faire
    Uncovers the reasons for Hong Kong's economic success since WW II; discusses the merits and problems of its "positive non-interventionism".
    by Yue-Chim Richard WONG
    Professor, Sch of Econ and Fin, HKU
    Director, HK Ctr for Econ Res
    PhD (Chicago)

  2. *Hong Kong and South China: The Economic Synergy
    Explores the and opportunities of economic integration of Hong Kong and South China under PRC's promise of a "one-country, two systems" for Hong Kong.
    by Yun-Wing SUNG
    Chairman, Dept of Econ, Chinese U of HK
    Assoc Ed, Asian-Pacific Econ Lit
    PhD (Minn)

  3. Inflation in Hong Kong
    Resolves the reasons behind the persistence of high inflation in Hong Kong and suggests measures to ameliorate the inflation effects.
    by Alan K. F. SIU
    Lecturer, Sch of Econ and Fin, HKU
    Exec. Dir, HK Ctr for Econ Res
    PhD (Harv)

  4. *Trade and Investment: Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan
    Appraises domestic, regional and international factors that impede or facilitate the economic integration of three Chinese economies.
    by K. C. FUNG
    Assoc Prof, Dept of Econ, Univ. of Calif (Santa Cruz)
    Assoc Director, HK Ctr Econ Res
    Former Econ, US Presid's Coun Econ Adv
    PhD (Wisc-Madison)

  5. *Tourism and the Hong Kong Economy
    Reviews changes in tourism industry and how Hong Kong can capitalize on future opportunities boosted by the completion of Hong Kong's new airport.
    by Kai-Sun KWONG
    Assoc Prof, Dept of Econ, Chinese U of HK
    Consultants, Ind & Tech Dev Coun
    PhD (Brit-Columbia)

  6. Economic Relations between Hong Kong and the Pacific Community
    Analyzes Hong Kong's new role in the Pearl River Delta and designs policies for maintaining its status as the hub of economic activities in the Pacific community.
    by Yiu -Kwan FAN
    Dean, Sch of Bus and Dir, Bus Res Ctr, H K Baptist U
    President, Pacific Rim Coun on Urb Dev (1995-6)
    PhD (Wisc-Madison)

Money and Finance

  1. The Monetary System of Hong Kong
    Examines the monetary role of the banking sector and the policies of the HK Monetary Authority. Feasibility of alternative monetary regimes discussed.
    by Y.F. LUK
    Lecturer, Sch of Econ and Fin, HKU
    Series Ed, HK Econ Policy Study Ser
    PhD (Cornell)

  2. The Linked Exchange Rate System
    Unveils the history and performance of Hong Kong's exchange rate system. Ways as to how to withstand economic and political shocks in the future discussed.
    by Francis T. LUI
    Assoc Prof, Dept of Econ, HK Univ of Sci & Tech
    Director, Ctr for Econ Dev, HK Univ of Sci & Tech

    PhD (Minn)
    Yum-Keung KWAN
    Asst Prof, Dept of Econ, HK Univ of Sci & Tech
    Former Res, Fed Reserve Bank of Minn, USA
    PhD (Minn)

  3. *Hong Kong as an International Financial Centre: Evolution, Prospects and Policies
    Provides all the factors behind Hong Kong's success in the past and envisages the future status of Hong Kong as an international financial centre in the post-colonial period.
    by Y. C. JAO
    Professor, Sch of Econ and Fin, HKU
    Former Presid, HK Econ Association (1995-7)
    PhD (HKU)

  4. Corporate Governance: Listed Companies in Hong Kong
    Reviews issues of conflict of interest between majority shareholders, minority shareholders, and management of listed companies. Corporate directorship, remuneration, and insider-dealings examined.
    by Richard Yan-Ki HO
    Professor and Dean, Fac of Business, CityU HK
    PhD (Wisc-Madison)

    Stephen Y. L. CHEUNG
    Prof and Head, Dept of Econ & Fin, CityU HK..
    PhD (Paris VI), PhD (Strathclyde)

  5. *Institutional Development of the Insurance Industry
    Analyzes the and issues of the rapid development of the insurance industry; provides a framework for policy consideration in relating professions..
    Ben T. YU
    Prof. of Econ, Calif State U (Northridge)
    Assoc Dir, Ctr of Insur Res & Educ, Calif State U (Northridge)
    PhD (Washington)

Infrastructure and Industry

  1. *Technology and Industry
    How competitive Hong Kong's industries are in both the manufacturing and services over time? The author will discuss if future government intervention is suitable.
    by Kai-Sun KWONG,
    Assoc Prof, Dept of Econ, Chinese U of HK
    Consultants, Ind & Tech Dev Coun
    PhD (Brit-Columbia)

  2. *Competition Policy and the Regulation of Business
    Provides a framework of proper anti-trust policy suitable for an open economy like Hong Kong.
    by Leonard K. CHENG
    Prof and Head, Dept of Econ. HK Univ of Sci & Tech
    Assoc Ed, J of Intl Econ
    PhD (Calif-Berkeley)
    Changqi WU
    Asst Prof, Dept of Econ. HK Univ of Sci & Tech
    PhD (Louvain)

  3. *Telecom Policy and the Digital Convergence
    Discusses Hong Kong telecommunications industry and the competitiveness of the trading economy at the policy level. Relationship to regional and global players.
    by Milton L. Mueller
    Asst Prof and Director, Telecom Program,School of Information Studies, Syracuse Univ.
    PhD (Penn)

  4. *Port Facilities and Container Handling Services
    A study on Hong Kong's Port Services industry and its future development. Proposals to enhance efficiency and productivity will also be examined.
    by Leonard K. CHENG
    Prof and Head, Dept of Econ. HK Univ of Sci & Tech
    Assoc Ed, J of Intl Econ
    PhD (Calif-Berkeley)

    Yue-Chim Richard WONG
    Professor, Sch of Econ and Fin, HKU
    Director, HK Ctr for Econ Res
    PhD (Chicago)

  5. Efficient Transportation Policy
    Provides a regulatory and management framework on each transport mode. The need for public policy to enhance efficient transport services examined.
    by Timothy D. HAU
    Assoc Prof, Sch of Econ and Fin, HKU
    PhD (Calif-Berkeley)

    Stephen CHING
    Asst Prof, Dept. of Econ and Fin, CityU HK
    PhD (Rochester)

  6. *Competition in Energy
    With a better co-operation between Hong Kong and China, how energy planning and development may enhance the efficiency of the industry?
    by Pun-Lee LAM
    Asst Prof, Dept of Business Studies, HK Polytechnic U
    PhD (Bristol)

  7. *Privatizing Water and Sewage Services
    Ways to improve efficiency of the water supply industry in Hong Kong and policies on privatization and deregulation discussed.
    by Pun-Lee LAM
    Asst Prof, Dept of Business Studies, HK Polytechnic U
    PhD (Bristol)

    Yue-Cheong CHAN
    Asst Prof, Dept of Business Studies, HK Polytechnic U
    PhD (HKUST)

Immigration and Human Resources

  1. *Labour Market in a Dynamic Economy
    Flexibility of the local labour market in Hong Kong in an uncertain environment studied. How government policies (with emphasis on manpower training) affect the operation of labour market explored.
    by Wing SUEN
    Senior Lecturer, Sch of Econ and Fin, HKU
    PhD (Wash)

    William CHAN
    Lecturer, Sch of Econ and Fin, HKU
    PhD (Chicago)

  2. *Immigration and the Economy of Hong Kong
    Studies the impact of the inflow of Chinese immigrants on wages, economic growth, income distribution and economic policy of Hong Kong.
    by Kit Chun LAM
    Assoc Prof, Dept of Econ. H K Baptist U
    PhD (Harv)

    Pak Wai LIU
    Prof, Dept of Econ and PVC, Chinese U OF HK
    Member, Commission on Strategic Development (1998-2000)
    PhD (Stanford)

  3. Youth, Society and the Economy
    Discusses the youth policy in Hong Kong and suggests how to invest human resources in the 21st century.
    by Rosanna WONG
    Exec Dir, HK Fed of Youth Groups
    Councillor, Executive Council, HK
    MSW (Toronto) MSc (London)

    Paul CHAN
    Dep Exec Dir, HK Fed of Youth Groups
    MSW, MSc (HKU)

Housing and Land

  1. The Private Residential Market
    The reasons behind the rapid rise of housing and land prices in Hong Kong described. Market solutions prescribed to address the housing problem in the light of long term forecast of demand.
    by Alan K.F. SIU
    Lecturer, Sch of Econ and Fin, HKU
    Executive Director, The Hong Kong Centre for Economic Research
    PhD (Harvard)

  2. *On Privatizing Public Housing
    From an economic point of view, the author seeks long term solution to the problem of public housing in Hong Kong based on a reliance on market incentives.
    by Yue-Chim Richard WONG
    Professor, Sch of Econ and Fin, HKU
    Director, HK Ctr for Econ Res
    PhD (Chicago)

  3. Financial and Property Markets: Interactions between the Mainland and Hong Kong
    Role of Hong Kong in the development of property and financial markets in China reviewed, the ways to ensure the continual development of these interactions suggested.
    by Pui-King LAU
    Assoc Prof and Assoc Head, Dept of Business Studies, HK Polytechnic U

  4. *Town Planning in Hong Kong: A Critical Review
    Discusses the development of town planning in Hong Kong including reforms to enhance its efficiency.
    by Lawrence Wai-Chung LAI
    Associate Professor, Dept. of Real Estate and Construction, HKU
    Registered Professional Planner
    PhD (HKU)

Social Issues

  1. *Retirement Protection: A Plan for Hong Kong
    Compares the experiences of the countries adopting different retirement schemes; seeks feasible solutions to meet the future needs of retirees.
    by Francis T. LUI
    Assoc Prof, Dept of Econ, HK Univ of Sci & Tech
    Director, Ctr for Econ Dev, HK Univ of Sci & Tech
    PhD (Minn)

  2. *Income Inequality and Economic Development
    Examines government policies affect the changes in the distribution of income among individuals and households.
    by Hon-Kwong LUI
    Asst Prof, Dept of Mktg & Intl Bus, Lingnan College
    MSocSc and PhD (HKU)

  3. *Health Care Delivery and Financing: A Model for Reform
    Prescribe an alternative pricing and financing mechanism which is cost-effective and can be deliver to all Hong Kong residents in an affordable way.
    by Lok-Sang HO
    Prof and Director, Ctr for Public Policy Studies, Lingnan College
    PhD (Toronto)

  4. Economics of Crime and Punishment in Hong Kong
    Analyzes time series data of crime and punishment in Hong Kong from an economic point of view; discusses the impact of crime on the economy and the deterrent effect of the penal system on crime.
    by Siu Fai LEUNG
    Assoc Prof, Dept of Econ, HK Univ of Sci & Tech
    Assoc Prof of Econ, Univ of Rochester
    PhD (Chicago)

The Hong Kong Centre for Economic Research
School of Economics and Finance
The University of Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 2547-8313
Fax: (852) 2548-6319
email: hkcer@econ.hku.hk
| Index | HKCER Letters | Monographs |
| Speaker program / Conference | Index of Economic Freedom |